why we don't need heroes, or do we need them? we all need people to look up to, but what happens when that gets out of hand, when admiration turns into cult and group like behaviour. let us know your thoughts @themustard_ on instagram ! we talk about : - Heroes and Legends - Pitting people against each other - Tony Robbins - Prosperity Preachers - Why Debaters do more harm than good - How Valentine's is celebrated in Sweden and of course, it wouldn’t feel like tuesday without david’s semi-funny anecdote about people we don’t know : this week it’s all about the guy that put his fake restaurant on top of tripadvisors list of the best restaurants in London ! love // jenny & david   For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy

Om Podcasten

Jenny and David Mustard – the couple who's made a career out of yapping. Few people have before talked so much about topics so random. Prepare yourself for an abundance of coffee-induced reality depictions from the bubble that is influencer-hipster-London. Jenny Mustard is the popular fashion youtuber and author behind epic videos such as 'Why I Don't want Kids' and 'Why I don't have Eyebrows'. Jenny and David are also running the Swedish podcast called simply 'Jenny och David'.