Adi Suta's Myth

Adi Suta was one of my first clients when I started my behavior change coaching program back in the day. We worked on his nail-biting habit, and that quickly evolved into a friendship that still sings today. He is one of the primary forces that got me to really pick up meditation as a habit, and he will be the reason I go to my first meditation retreat. We get into relationships, meditation, and psychedelics.   Connect with Erick Godsey: Instagram | Twitter |   Subscribe to The Myths That Make Us: Itunes | Stitcher | Spotify |  

Om Podcasten

I believe we each have an unconscious story about who we are and what kind of world we're in. This story, our myth, influences our goals, desires, mindset, and happiness. On this podcast, I'm going to help people identify the myths that make them.