Joel Crandall's Myth

Joel is the Founder & Developer of the VOILÀ Method SOUL-utions for the Mind and Body. He is an Exercise Physiologist and Kinesiologist graduated from SUNY-Cortland. He has spent the past 24 years fine-tuning and mastering innovative advancements in Kinesiology, Exercise Science, Biomechanical Symmetry and Structural Joint Balancing. We get into his myth, the moment he first ‘downloaded’ Voila, and where he is headed next.   Connect with Erick Godsey: Instagram | Twitter |   Subscribe to The Myths That Make Us: Itunes | Stitcher | Spotify |

Om Podcasten

I believe we each have an unconscious story about who we are and what kind of world we're in. This story, our myth, influences our goals, desires, mindset, and happiness. On this podcast, I'm going to help people identify the myths that make them.