We Are Free

Today, Kelli shares her journey of reparenting herself and finding closure and healing after her mother's passing. Through this process, Kelli has been able to show up for her daughter Ro in a way she wishes her own mother had shown up for her, breaking the cycle and freeing generations of women in her ancestral line. Kelli speaks passionately about the importance of being bold, taking chances, and stepping out of fear into confidence, reminding us that we are the catalysts for each other's freedom. She encourages us to ask for more and not to self-sabotage because we have the power to choose a different path and create a different experience for ourselves and for those who come after us.

Om Podcasten

Kelli Moore is the master of reinvention. And in this next chapter of her life and show, she invites you to The Naked Mama for some big sister pep talks, cause you know she keeps it real real, to be deeply held and seen, because chances are she fucking gets it, and for conversations that will likely make you slightly (or extremely) uncomfortable and ask you to think outside the box - because that is where the real magic is. Kelli leads women in their journeys of clearing old stories and beliefs to step into who they are becoming. In this show, she's diving into the art of reinvention, intimacy, motherhood, and healing modalities. You get to have the life you really want. Not the one you think you’re supposed to. And this is where it all begins.