004: Jason Wittrock - Carb Cycling and Cheat Meals on the Ketogenic Diet

Calories in vs calories out is a great place to start with weight loss, but where those calories come from does matter.  Carbs make you fat, and we're exploring topics such as carbing up, cheating on keto, and what that does to your body, your gut, and your progress.  We'll also discuss "realistic keto". Because let's face it: you're going to eat pizza again. It's a part of life. How can you incorporate "life" into your low carb diet? 

Om Podcasten

Dr. Anthony Gustin believes the natural state of an organism is health. In this podcast he explores how we can reclaim our health rebuilding a proper human environment in the modern world. The Natural State features interviews with health and nutrition influencers, world-class thought leaders, and industry experts. With exclusive content that breaks down complex ideas to make them simple and digestible. We cover topics like nutrition, fitness and movement, regenerative agriculture, health, mental and emotional health -- anything that a functioning human being needs to thrive.