From Pitta to Vata - Managing Your Menopause with Ayurveda

Today Sue talks to Ayurveda Wellness Coach, Sharon Niemi. Over the past 15 years, Sharon has been helping women find better health so that they can live their best life, no matter what their age. The herb Sharon mentions is Manjisthj. The organisation Sharon mentions is American Association of Biological Characteristic Clinicians. You can find more information about Sharon and Ayurveda at & on Facebook - Your Way Wellness You can find information on The Nest Southwest at You can find Sue Reid on Instagram @suereid1905

Om Podcasten

The Nest Southwest CIC is a social enterprise based in Exeter, Devon, UK. It's mission is to provide social, emotional and informational support to women, girls and people who menstruate through menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. In this series of podcasts, Sue Reid will be talking to guests about subjects in each of these areas, to explore some of the many different aspects surrounding these profound times of life change. New episodes will be available every two weeks. More details of The Nest Southwest CIC can be found at