S1E12: Charlotte Mason Study Groups with Jeannette Tulis

“It is no arbitrary reward which is attached to the assembling of two or three together; we warm ourselves at each others’ fires, and glow with the heat we get. Let but the heads of two or three families meet together to talk over the bringing up of their children, and the best and wisest parents will go home with new insight, renewed purpose, and warmer zeal. ‘We shall learn by degrees that education is, like religion, a social principle as well as an individual duty; and, meeting on this higher ground, we shall find out the best of one another as we never should in the common intercourse of business or society.'” Charlotte Mason, editorial note, Parents’ Review, March 1890 Show Summary: Today’s guest is Jeannette Tulis, a veteran homeschool mom and longtime Charlotte Mason study group leader How Jeannette came to know about Charlotte Mason’s philosophy How Jeannette got involved with a local group of moms Why Jeannette feels a Charlotte Mason education served all her children well The different ways in which Jeannette’s own community has worked over the years What types of things the study group has read together What advice would you give to someone wanting to start a study group? Books and Links Mentioned: Susan Schaeffer Macaulay Catherine Levison Penny Gardner Karen Andreola Formation of Character by Charlotte Mason Charlotte Mason in Community website Find Cindy: Morning Time for Moms Cindy’s Patreon Discipleship Group Mere Motherhood Facebook Group The Literary Life Podcast Cindy’s Facebook Cindy’s Instagram Subscribe: Audible Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Podcast Addict Spotify Stitcher

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The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins explores the application of Charlotte Mason’s philosophy to the atmosphere, discipline, and life of our homes and schools. We cover Charlotte’s timeless principles as they work themselves out in our real and modern lives. Interviewing seasoned moms who have cherished Charlotte’s works while raising real children in real families, we endeavor to lay a foundation of hope and possibility for our listeners. However imperfectly.