S7E96: Morning Time for Moms Part 5 with Elaine Shutt

On The New Mason Jar podcast this week, Cindy and Dawn sit down for another conversation in our Morning Time for Moms series, this time with homeschooling mom Elaine Shutt How Elaine first came to learn about Charlotte Mason and her methods How Elaine was educated herself and what her reading life was like What Elaine's college and early teaching experience was like How she fit in reading about educational philosophy when her children were young Elaine's story of God's provision and leadership in her current teaching setup Some ways she adds Charlotte Mason elements into her classroom The ways Elaine has made time for self-education in different seasons of life Please visit https://thenewmasonjar.com/096/ to view all the show notes for this episode including links to all the resources mentioned.

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The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins explores the application of Charlotte Mason’s philosophy to the atmosphere, discipline, and life of our homes and schools. We cover Charlotte’s timeless principles as they work themselves out in our real and modern lives. Interviewing seasoned moms who have cherished Charlotte’s works while raising real children in real families, we endeavor to lay a foundation of hope and possibility for our listeners. However imperfectly.