S8E102: Morning Time for Moms, Part 6, with Megan Graham

Welcome back to The New Mason Jar and another episode in our Morning Time for Moms self-education series Today Cindy and Dawn chat with Megan Graham, homeschooling mother of nine, two of whom she has graduated How Megan came to learn about the philosophy of Charlotte Mason What Megan’s own education was like and what her perception of learning was as a young person How did your idea of education shift, and were there any books that helped you form new ideas about education? How does Megan build in times to read in the midst of the busy seasons of life What Megan is currently reading To view the full show notes, including quotes and link to books mentioned, please visit our website at https://thenewmasonjar.com/102/.

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The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins explores the application of Charlotte Mason’s philosophy to the atmosphere, discipline, and life of our homes and schools. We cover Charlotte’s timeless principles as they work themselves out in our real and modern lives. Interviewing seasoned moms who have cherished Charlotte’s works while raising real children in real families, we endeavor to lay a foundation of hope and possibility for our listeners. However imperfectly.