#35 Bruno Škvorc, RMRK - NFT LEGO on Kusama

Today we welcome Bruno from RMRK which is NFT LEGO on the Kusama Blockchain that gives infinite extensibility to it's NFTS Bruno is deeply rooted within the Web3 and Polkadot ecosystem and runs dotleap.com with it's fortnightly newsletter on everything Polkadot, Substrate and Kusama We cover so much mind bending NFT brain food in this episode, you'd better find somewhere safe to sit down! https://www.rmrk.app/ https://kanaria.rmrk.app/ https://newsletter.dotleap.com/ https://twitter.com/bitfalls https://bruno.id/ https://nonfungerbils.com https://twitter.com/NonFunGerbils https://discord.com/invite/4F4Wenj9s3

Om Podcasten

The NonFunGerbils Podcast explores the world of NFTs and the decentralised economy. Each week Luke, George & Rudemoose host a fantastic founder / creator / wizard deeply involved in the NFT space. They cover all things NFT related with a focus on the tech and fundamentals.