TNP172 A Love Note To Grievers with Angela E Morris
Gather in for a tender talk today about love and loss and friend breakups and grief and how all that impacts the creative process. I’m speaking today with Angela E Morris, author of Love Notes to Grievers. {Content Warning for mentions of death and suicide.} Angela is a writer and massage therapist who offers people a soft space to land as they navigate their grief. She provides reflective writing on grief and relationships impacted by grief, pushing against how the dominant culture reacts toward death and loss and mourning. She encourages her readers to take time to process their pain and be with their loss, carrying their loved ones with them, not leaving them behind. Today we share an intimate conversation, itself a love note to all the grievers out there. We see you. You’re welcome here. Grab a cup of tea or head out to the garden with your headphones on – maybe don’t listen while you’re driving cuz the tears will make it hard to see the road. Whatever you’re doing right now, pull over and let’s have a minute together, shall we? We’re stepping onto sacred ground now. Find Angela on Instagram at: @angelaemmamorris @ange_morris Find The Spirited Kitchen here: Canada Everywhere else