TNP222 Podcast Playlists for Special Interests 10 Years + 14 Themes
This episode is a short retrospective of highlights from nearly a decade of The Numinous Podcast! Below, I've sorted ten years of episodes into 14 playlists. If you don't see 14 categories below in your podcast player show notes, click here to view them on the podcast website. Enjoy! Intuition, Spirituality, and the Mysteries of Life TNP4: Love and Angels with Robin Arnold TNP5: Nature, Mind and the Mystical with J.B.MacKinnon TNP7: Spirituality + Recovery with Trinity Donnelley MacRae TNP9: Meditation, Channeling and Connection with Dr.Jonni Gray TNP11: Public, Private and Political with Louise TNP13: Spiritual Self-Esteem and Professional Integrity as an Intuitive Practitioner with Judee Gee TNP14: Carl-Greger on Spontaneous Spiritual Awakening and Direct Experience TNP16: Jenna DellaGrottaglia on Art + Intuition TNP17: Shakti Roumagoux: Catholic, Quaker, Engaged Buddhist TNP18: Arthurian Legend Leadership Lessons with Kent Osborne TNP22: The Vision Quest with Sparrow Hart TNP25: Findhorn and Facilitating Inner Knowing with Kate Sutherland TNP27: Shamanism and the Corporate World with Agneta TNP30: Kate Sitka on Intuitive Communication with the Animal Kingdom TNP32: Sex, Spirituality and Intuition with Lesley Stedmon TNP35: Carmen Answers Listener Questions, Part 1- Trusting Your Intuition TNP36: Carmen Answers Listener Questions, Part 2 - Trusting Your Pendulum TNP37: Carmen Answers Listener Questions, Part 3 - Common Questions About Intuition TNP41: Elle North on Tarot + Intuition TNP42: Mark Silver on Sufism and the Heart of Business TNP44: John Michael Greer on Mystery Teaching from the Living Earth TNP46: Mirabella Ponders the Mystery TNP50: Carmen & Ruben on Badass Backyard Spirituality TNP52: Humanism, Atheism and Optimism with Emrys Damon Miller TNP53: Astronomy's Mysteries with John Reid TNP59: Ritual + Magic with John Michael Greer TNP61: Healing the Abandonment Wound, Part 1 TNP62: Healing the Abandonment Wound, Part 2 TNP63: Healing the Abandonment Wound, Part 3 TNP64: {Special Episode} Learning to See in the Dark TNP72: Alexis P. Morgan on Witchcraft, Magic, and Liberation TNP73: Charlene Spretnak on Reclaiming Pre-Patriarchal Goddesses TNP74: Sacred Beekeeping with Nikiah Seeds TNP76: L'Erin Alta on Lineage and Legacy TNP77: Digging Deep with Forensic Archeologist Juliana Kabal Xoc TNP78: Niana Hierlander on the Uncommon Marriage of Celtic Shamanism and Catholic Mysticism TNP79: Layla Saad on Perspectives of a Black Muslim Woman on the Priestess Path TNP81: {Numinous School Tutorial} Your Intuition Questions Answered TNP82: The Eclipse, The Gleaners, and Ruben and I TNP85: Thérèse Cator on Shadow Alchemy and Life as Ceremony TNP89: The Journey of the Psychopomp with Cat Webb TNP90: The Celtic Golden Dawn with John Michael Greer TNP92: Sufism, Dreamwork and Belonging with Toko-pa Turner TNP96: Secrets of the Temple with John Michael Greer TNP98: Priestess, Shaman, Mystic, Scapegoat with Sarah Kerr TNP99: Monsters and Magical Beings with John Michael Greer TNP101: Layla Feghali on Plantcestral Medicine TNP102: Sarah Selecky and Radiant Shimmering Light TNP103: Witchcraft and Parenting Wisdom with Beth and John Threlfall TNP104: Magical Cookery and EcoFeminism with Danielle Prohom Olson TNP124: Elizabeth Brown on Dowsing and Causative Diagnosis TNP126: Controlled Remote Viewing with Laurie Lambert Williams TNP127: Moon Magic with Sarah Faith Gottesdiener TNP128: Scottish Folk Magic with Scott Richardson Reid of the Cailleach's Herbarium TNP129: Palm Reading with Helene Saucedo TNP130: Sigil Witchery with Laura Tempest Zakroff TNP131: The Twelve Faces of the Goddess with Danielle Blackwood TNP136: Maia Toll on Working with Plant, Animal and Crystal Allies in Troubled Times TNP140: Darius Mills on Hoodoo Manifestation Magic TNP141: Eric Tyrone - Get Woke in Your Dreamtime TNP144: Mimi Young on Intuition and Pandemic Plant Medicine TNP149: Spiritual Hygiene for the Holidays with Carmen Spagnola TNP1