TNP67 Confronting Whiteness with Rachael Rice and Marybeth Bonfiglio

I'm not gonna lie. This one's a doozy. In this episode of the podcast, I am the guest and I say the F word and several other swear words, a lot. The full-length version of this conversation was published in video form as part of Rachael Rice's series, Confronting Whiteness. I met Rachael and Marybeth online and we became familiar with each other's work through Facebook conversations. It was evident to me from the beginning that these are women who know what time it is (#revolutiontime). If you're on Insta, you should definitely follow them. In this conversation, I tell the story of The Racist Dinner Party and I rant about white fragility in Well-intentioned White Women Sisterhood spaces. I make the case for developing a more mature and nuanced relationship with shame and honour, and I implore white women to become more resilient when it comes to racial conversations. Here are the excellent resources cited in this episode: The Roots Of Addiction In Free Market Society Decolonization Is Not A Metaphor The Bluest I Blog by Michelle R Smith Is Shame Necessary?: New Uses For An Old Tool by Jennifer Jacquet  

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The Numinous Podcast is a show about intuition, spirituality and the mystery of life. The host, Carmen Spagnola, is an intersectional witch and clinical hypnotherapist who has smart, soulful conversations with interesting people.