TNP75 Jennifer Jacquet Asks Is Shame Necessary

I have been thinking about shame for a couple of years now. Mostly, I have socially unacceptable thoughts about it. But since reading Jennifer Jacquet's book, Is Shame Necessary? New Uses For An Old Tool, I have been both relieved and emboldened. So I'm releasing my shame around championing shame. I'm thrilled to welcome Jennifer to the show to expand on her ideas around effective uses of shame when dealing with large-scale cooperation dilemmas like climate change, over-fishing, and racism. In this episode, Jennifer mentions high profile examples like Justine Sacco whose life was ruined by a single tweet, and Walter Palmer, the dentist who shot Cecil the Lion. She also makes a distinction between shaming corporations versus individuals. As such, it is a form of punishment that scales well. If you would like to see the tour de force example of the public shaming of the Dow Chemical Company by The Yes Men, here is the video. The response is detailed in this video. Here's the manel-shaming featuring David Hasselhoff, plus the article that did the math on statistical proof of sexism with regard to the issue. In the Rubenation segment, Ruben mentioned our friend, J.B.MacKinnon and his excellent book, The Once And Future World. If you love the planet, you should read it. This interview goes well with episode TNP67: Confronting Whiteness with Rachael Rice and Marybeth Bonfiglio. Check out more of Jennifer's work at

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The Numinous Podcast is a show about intuition, spirituality and the mystery of life. The host, Carmen Spagnola, is an intersectional witch and clinical hypnotherapist who has smart, soulful conversations with interesting people.