086 - The Meaning of Life

"Ask big questions, get big answers"   JOIN THE VIP PODCAST WHATSAPP GROUPS - TEXT ‘PODCAST VIP’ to 07871612297 NOW!!   I've just recorded the next official Property Entrepreneur podcast and this is either going to be the biggest podcast I've ever recorded, or it's going to be an absolute flop and of interest to nobody.    The meaning of life is a huge question and it may be one that you ask yourself quite often or it may be one that you've never asked yourself at all. Some of this podcast content will apply to you specifically, some of it's quite broad and will apply to the masses, but in my first ever freestyle podcast, no script, no plan, no shedule, I've gone through my experience over the last 30 years of exploring the meaning of life, purpose, passion, why we do what we do, how we go about our days and our life, and how you can start to consider what's actually important to you in your personal life, your professional life, your family, your relationships, and your business.    In this podcast, I'm going to explain to you where I've got to on my journey of the meaning of life, why we're here, how we can get excited every single day and how we can make sure every day, week, month and year is our best on record and we just genuinely love it.    I'm going to share my understanding of the meaning of life, what it means to you and how you can go about putting into practice straight away from listening to it today.    This is going to be an interesting podcast and I hope you enjoy. I'd love to hear what you think on this one so let me know and leave a comment in the post, or send me a private message on Instagram or Facebook.    This podcast is all about the meaning of life. JOIN THE VIP PODCAST WHATSAPP GROUPS - TEXT ‘PODCAST VIP’ to 07871612297 NOW!!   Want to learn more?   If you’ve not already joined the 8.5k Property Entrepreneurs for FREE in the Property Entrepreneur Facebook Group, click here to join now:  The Property Entrepreneurs Community   If you're listening to this podcast but have not yet subscribed, click the subscribe button to listen to what Daniel and other industry leading guests have to say on a weekly basis on all things business, investment property and lifestyle: The Official Property Entrepreneur Podcas‪t    Keep up to date with Daniel’s musings by subscribing on YouTube now : The Official Property Entrepreneur YouTube Channel   Follow Daniel on Social: Instagram: @propertyentrepreneur_  Facebook:  @PropertyEntrepreneurOfficial LinkedIn: @propertyentrepreneur

Om Podcasten

Welcome to The Blueprint podcast with Daniel Hill. On this stripped back podcast we’ll be going behind the scenes with special guests to provide insight and inspiration on all things business, life and the realities of high performance in practice The Blueprint podcast has been launched to share the mindset, experience and unique and proven blueprints that have enabled Daniel to build PPN UK, one of the UKs Leading Property Groups, win Entrepreneur of the Year in both age categories and break a World Record through his Charity Get up Give Back. Success and failure are both very predictable, we hope you enjoy!