65: What Should I Do: Special Circumstances

All right! In this episode of The Oh Crap! Potty Training Podcast, we are diving deep into a topic close to my heart – Special Circumstances in potty training. We're talking about tailoring the potty training game plan for your kiddos. From assessing mobility to understanding cognitive abilities, I'll guide you through customizing your approach. I also share my exception to the "no rewards in potty training" rule. Give it a listen, as we explore the specifics for potty training with special circumstances. Let's go! ⁠Jamie's Website⁠ ⁠Jamie's Courses⁠ ⁠Jamie's Instagram⁠ ⁠Jamie's Patreon⁠ ⁠Oh Crap! Potty Training⁠ ⁠Oh Crap! I Have a Toddler⁠

Om Podcasten

Author and parenting expert Jamie Glowacki expands on her book Oh Crap! Potty Training in a new podcast miniseries that takes you step by step through the often arduous but rewarding journey of teaching your kid how to take care of their business on their own.