Jack Lemmon (Actor Spotlight)

We may all be in quarantine, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t have a good time on the Old Soul Movie Podcast! Join us as we discuss one of our favorite classic Hollywood actors, and his amazing personal story. This is an appetizer for a great main dish coming next week. So stay tuned! (And yes, Jack knows he mispronounced Feilcia Farr’s name in the 50th minute of the episode. Quarantine life has broken him.) Please Comment, Rate, and Share our episodes and tell us what you like and what you want to hear more of! --- Be sure to check us out on Our website: thisisbecket.com Facebook Twitter: @oldsoulpod Instagram: @oldsoulmoviepodcast

Om Podcasten

Reviews, reflections, and break downs of some of the most influential movies ever made. We give our modern perspective on the role classic cinema plays in society, and how it moves the “old soul" in all of us.