Montgomery Clift (Actor Spotlight)

Join Emma and Jack as they highlight the wonderful career of Montgomery Clift. It is the first episode in the Actor Spotlight series, and we could not be more excited. Clift is an actor that can be overshadowed by larger names, but we talk about his early life, his acting career, his troubles, triumphs, and everything that made him who he was. Follow Jack at @jboremus on Twitter and Instagram to interact and tell us movies we definitely need to cover while we try to convince Emma to adopt social media (a true Old Soul indeed). Please Comment, Rate, and Share our episodes and tell us what you like and what you want to hear more of! --- Transcripts will be made available on in the near future. More social media is currently under development. For inquiries and production assistant information, email

Om Podcasten

Reviews, reflections, and break downs of some of the most influential movies ever made. We give our modern perspective on the role classic cinema plays in society, and how it moves the “old soul" in all of us.