Boy Is Transported To “Temporary Holding Place” Between Earth And Heaven During Incredible NDE

Today's NDE afterlife experience is from Robert Taylor  who had a near death experience when he was a boy and met God, saw his family, and was ultimately sent back because he had more to do.  Thank you Robert for sharing your testimony with us.  Consider supporting him in the links below.👉👉🙏 Join our YouTube membership and help us get stories from around the globe 👉▶SUBMIT AN NDE▶ Listen to Skyline on Spotify 👉▶ Listen to Skyline on Apple Music 👉▶ Listen to Skyline on YouTube 👉    • The Redactions - ...For more NDE stories, visit our YouTube channel

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A collection of near-death experience (NDE) stories from individuals who have crossed over to the other side and returned, offering glimpses of what lies beyond life. Our goal is to bring these powerful experiences to light and raise global awareness about the profound impact of NDEs.