Man Dies And Is Shown The Source Of Existence And Life’s Purpose (Shocking NDE)

⭐ Check Out More Of Lewis's NDE Near Death Experience  👉 www.Griggs.comToday's story is of life after death when Lewis Griggs crossed over and visited heaven and the afterlife.Born and raised in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Lewis earned both an Amherst BA in Political Science and a Stanford MBA in Entrepreneurial Management. In addition, Lewis became a Certified Professional Co-Active Leadership Coach, and for a decade has led and facilitated Spiritual groups after having recovered and learned much from now three Near Death Experiences. Go to  to see his Diversity Equity & Inclusion interviews, and his TEDx talk ‘The Gift of Near Death’ and the documentary ‘Beyond Our Sight’.Lewis's contact▶ Listen to Skyline on Spotify 👉▶ Listen to Skyline on Apple Music 👉▶ Listen to Skyline on YouTube 👉    • The Redactions - ...For more NDE stories, visit our YouTube channel 

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A collection of near-death experience (NDE) stories from individuals who have crossed over to the other side and returned, offering glimpses of what lies beyond life. Our goal is to bring these powerful experiences to light and raise global awareness about the profound impact of NDEs.