Man Dies; Meets His Grandmother And Brother He Never Knew In Heaven (Verifiable Moment) (NDE)

⭐Today's NDE afterlife experience is from Ray Feurstein. Ray was told to convey a message to a family member about things he couldn't possibly know and that family member validated everything he said. It was all just a matter of fact yet still the magic of the universe never fails to amaze. After two near death experiences Ray lives a life liberated from the fear of death and hopes to encourage others that there is a beautiful life after life.▶SUBMIT AN NDE▶ Listen to Skyline on Spotify 👉▶ Listen to Skyline on Apple Music 👉▶ Listen to Skyline on YouTube 👉    • The Redactions - ...For more NDE stories, visit our YouTube channel

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A collection of near-death experience (NDE) stories from individuals who have crossed over to the other side and returned, offering glimpses of what lies beyond life. Our goal is to bring these powerful experiences to light and raise global awareness about the profound impact of NDEs.