Answering Your Questions (Episode 441)

Answering questions from listeners about Google Ads. Topics include solving an issue with conversion tracking, performance max questions, how to manage search terms effectively, Google Ads policy issues, and a question about Google's sweeping changes to their platform in the past 5 years.Try Opteo for free for 28 days - Schaeffer - https://www.chrisschaeffer.comWatch this episode on YouTube: a Question - https://www.paidsearchpodca...

Om Podcasten

Google Ads expert and Premier Google Partner Chris Schaeffer talk pay per click, Google Ads, online marketing, and how to advertise your business effectively. This podcast helps business owners, digital marketing agency employees, and pay per click freelancers make the most of their Google AdWords budgets. New episodes come out every Monday, and ask  your Google Ads questions at