#156: Golf Therapy - Why Golf Can Be So Damn Painful

Matthias Barker (@matthiasjbarker), one of the most popular and impactful therapists on social media today with over 2M followers, hops aboard the Train to give us all some golf therapy. Why do certain shots bother us more than others, where does embarrassment actually come from, how do we change an unproductive mental state to a more helpful one, and so so much more. If golf has recently beat you down and left you feeling hopeless, this conversation is a must listen. PAR TRAIN LISTENER EXCLUSIVE: Need a new quarter zip or hoodie for some brisk fall golf? Get 15% the best fitting performance golf apparel in the game with this link bit.ly/3myURyP and you'll never wear anything other than Rhoback again.

Om Podcasten

Golf game off the rails? Sick of riding the struggle bus? You've come to the right place. The Par Train helps frustrated golfers #EnjoyTheRide again, because if you can learn to smile through bad golf, you can smile through anything. The Par Train Podcast is a top 10 golf podcast in the United States unpacking the mental game with PGA Tour Pros, best-selling authors, CEOs, sports psychologists, every day golfers like you to make the hardest game in the world feel easy and help you finally get back on track. Welcome aboard!