#168: Enjoying Golf & Travel No Matter How Bad You Play

New York Times Best-Selling Author Tom Coyne (@coynewriter) hops aboard the Train to help us avoid the common golf travel trap... ruining a great day because of bad golf. Tom takes us through what he's learned from walking every links course in Ireland, going from a 15 handicap to a +1, what writing teaches us about golf and life, and so much more. Links to Tom's NYT Best-Selling Books: https://www.amazon.com/Tom-Coyne/e/B001JPC1K2 PAR TRAIN LISTENER PERK: Want a personal caddy in your pocket? Download the 18Birdies App (The #1 GPS and Swing Analyzer app) and join the Par Train group to compete against each other and track stats! Join the group here https://18birdies.com/s/AITHYiku-Fw. All Par Train listeners can access the FREE TRIAL and test all the premium features that is proven to shave 4 shots off your handicap!

Om Podcasten

Golf game off the rails? Sick of riding the struggle bus? You've come to the right place. The Par Train helps frustrated golfers #EnjoyTheRide again, because if you can learn to smile through bad golf, you can smile through anything. The Par Train Podcast is a top 10 golf podcast in the United States unpacking the mental game with PGA Tour Pros, best-selling authors, CEOs, sports psychologists, every day golfers like you to make the hardest game in the world feel easy and help you finally get back on track. Welcome aboard!