#66: Following Your Passion - Why We Did It and Lessons Learned

We are bombarded every day with a new show to watch, a book we have to read or a podcast to listen to. We're told by friends or family why we'll like it, but we never really know why that show or podcast even exists. What's the motivation? The purpose? We thought it would be interesting for you to learn about why we started the Par Train 3 years ago. What did we learn along the way? What surprised us the most? When do we feel our most uncomfortable? Hopefully, this will help you get to know us as people more deeply and maybe even give you a nugget of knowledge that may help you start something new for yourself. Follow us on IG and Twitter @TheParTrain And...get that holiday shopping on by entering the code TRAIN at rhoback dot com for 20% off.

Om Podcasten

Golf game off the rails? Sick of riding the struggle bus? You've come to the right place. The Par Train helps frustrated golfers #EnjoyTheRide again, because if you can learn to smile through bad golf, you can smile through anything. The Par Train Podcast is a top 10 golf podcast in the United States unpacking the mental game with PGA Tour Pros, best-selling authors, CEOs, sports psychologists, every day golfers like you to make the hardest game in the world feel easy and help you finally get back on track. Welcome aboard!