Season 2 Episode 13: Tips for Toddler Night Waking

f you have a toddler that is struggling with frequent night wakings - whether this issue has been ongoing since day dot, or is a recent issue - then tune in, because this episode is for you! On this week’s show, I talk all about toddler night waking (12 months and up) - how much sleep we are aiming for, what roadblocks come up that stop them from sleeping well, and what we can do to improve nighttime waking and help your little one get better sleep!

Om Podcasten

Heidi, also known as The Parent and Baby Coach, hosts real and honest conversations on key parenting topics and conversations including adjusting to Motherhood, Sleep, Reflux, Weaning, Parenting Hacks, Fussy Eating, Toddler Behaviour and much more. Join Heidi weekly for an in-depth look at some of her favourite parenting areas as well as case studies from her work as a Sleep and Feeding Consultant. Heidi opens up a genuinely realistic dialogue on parenting in the modern day world - with the aim of empowering parents to learn, inspire and bring up a happy and contented generation of little people.