#11 Why I Built Hi Fam

Stroll down memory lane with me as I share the story behind why I created my online membership for parents over 6 years ago. 🎂 It's changed my life and the lives of thousands of other parents from over 100 countries around the world - just like you. If you've ever felt isolated or judged 😔 in your parenting journey, this one's for you, my friend. In this episode, I'm opening up about how I longed for a warm, supportive community 🤗 to help me through the twists and turns of raising tiny humans. 🍼 But, like any good adventure, this one's got trials and tribulations too! I'll chat about how I was booted from Facebook groups (ouch) and how I devoured hundreds of parenting books 📚 (seriously, it's a wonder I didn't sprout paper cuts) in search of the guidance and knowledge I craved. The cherry on top? 🍒 I'll reveal how all of that hard-earned wisdom is now packed into the Hi Fam membership, "The Studio" - enrollment opens soon! 💎 hifam.com/studio  ⭐️ The best way to get started is to join the Dream Family Bootcamp! 🎉 Grab your FREE ticket here: hifam.com/bootcamp It's time to create more joy, magic, togetherness, and connection in your day-to-day family life than you ever dreamed of! 

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Hi, Fam! Learn how to blend ancient wisdom with modern living to design a family life you love. Your host, Avital (pronounced Ah-Vee-Tal), is a designer, parenting coach, and mother of five on a mission to guide parents to build unbreakable homes, create passionate marriages, and raise resilient kids. Tune in weekly for no-nonsense myth-busting, tough love, fascinating conversations, and deep dives into controversial subjects. Learn more at hifam.com