#120 Value Of Due Diligence During A Recession, ft. Dr. Pranay Parikh, MD

In this episode, Dr. Peter Kim interviews his good friend, Dr. Pranay Parikh. Pranay is a hospitalist and has experience with active and passive investing. Dr. Parikh is a partner in the Ascent Equity Group and is the co-founder of Passive Real Estate Academy that helps others begin their journey towards financial freedom through passive real estate.   Peter and Pranay dive into the importance of doing due-diligence, focusing on how to move through the current market challenges, and what to look for in a deal during a recession.  To connect with Dr. Pranay Parikh or for more information, go to the Ascent Equity Group >>> https://ascentequitygroup.com/

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How do I create multiple streams of income? How do I invest in real estate? In the Passive Income MD podcast, Peter Kim, MD, shares proven strategies and tactics to answer these questions to create your ideal life.