Bonus Ep: Prominent Professor Exposes the Dangerous Ideology Being Taught on University Campuses

Pat Flynn interviews Professor Michael Rectenwald of New York University, who has recently been making headlines for speaking out against the radical, postmodernist views infesting academia--views that he himself once held(!)--and the subsequent attacks he's faced, both personal and professional, for doing so. This interview should be interesting for anybody who's ever wondered about the history of postmodern philosophy--how it started, and how it eventually evolved into many of the radical and intolerant ideas that academia, and our world, are confronted with today. ... About Michael Rectenwald Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D., is a professor of Liberal Studies at New York University, where he teaches writing and cultural history. He received a B.A. in English from the University of Pittsburgh, an M.A. from Case Western Reserve University of Pittsburgh, an M.A. from Case Western Reserve University, and a Ph.D. in Literary and Cultural Studies from Carnegie Mellon University. At age twenty, Michael was an apprentice poet to Allen Ginsberg at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, at Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado. ... Show Notes and Related Resources Springtime for Snowflakes I highly recommend reading Professor Rectenwald's new book, Sprintime for Snowflakes:

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Want to become better than most people at most things? Then the Pat Flynn Show is for you. Listen in, and learn: - How to Master The Pat Flynn Philosophy of Generalism—or why it’s better to be better at many things, not best at just one. From there, how to combine abilities to create a competitive advantage at anything you could want—a tactic known as “skill stacking.” - Obtain Knowledge Fast, Learn Any Skill Quickly—Discover the 5 Generalist principles for ultra-efficient practice sessions and study habits. - Access Interviews with Generalists the world over—The Pat Flynn show covers everything from fitness and mental health to business and writing to philosophy and theology. - Get the tools you need to become someone who outperforms, outsmarts, and outmaneuvers the pack. - Discover hands-on tools, tips, and tactics to pursue your most fulfilling life. In this podcast, get to know best-selling author, philosopher, fitness coach, musician, entrepreneur, and Catholic convert Pat Flynn as he expounds upon his theory of Generalism, a theory applicable to each and every one of us.