Bonus: On the Intersection of Faith and Fitness with Jared Zimmerer
Pat is joined by Jared Zimmerer (who has degrees in both kinesiology and theology) to discuss the intersection of faith and fitness. Specifically, they discuss the spiritual state of the fitness industry and why many people who get into fitness often long for more. Can all of life's problems be solved by deadlifts? Can a low body fat percentage satisfy the soul's upward yearning? Or is something missing? On the flip side, how does fitness incorporate into a life of faith? How can being physically active enhance our spiritual life? How does the Catholic view of the body and soul make sense of this? ... Check out the Word on Fire Institute here: Also, Bishop Barron's chat on Mind Pump fitness: ... The Pat Flynn Show If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you could subscribe to, and leave a review for, The Pat Flynn show on iTunes HERE or Stitcher HERE. Reading your reviews and hearing your feedback is what keeps me fired up to make The Pat Flynn Show happen. Thank you!