EP 314: Dan John on Strategic Overreach, 10,000 Swings, CBD, and more

Pat and Dan discuss a wide range of topics (as always), including the power of strategic overreach for performance both in, and out, of the weight room. Also, listener questions answered! ... Show Notes and Mentioned Resources DanJohnWorkouts.com WanderingWeights https://www.ironcompany.com/blog/minimalistic-weight-training-stretched/ Dan John's 10,000 Swing Groupings (see episode for context!) Group A 1.         35 Swings 2.         Push Ups 3.         15 Swings 4.         Windmill Stick Right 5.         35 Swings 6.         TRX T Pull 7.         15 Swings 8.         Windmill Stick Left 9.         35 Swings 10.       Trap Bar DL 11.       15 Swings 12.       Stoney Stretch Right Knee Down (RKD) 13.       35 Swings 14.       Goblet Squat 15.       15 Swings 16.       Stoney Stretch Left Knee Down (LKD) 17.       35 Swings 18.       Rolling 45s 19.       15 Swings 20.       "Pump"  Downward Dog/Cobra Group B 1.         35 Swings 2.         One Arm Press Right Arm 3.         15 Swings 4.         TRX Long Stretch Right 5.         35 Swings 6.         One Arm Press Left Arm 7.         15 Swings 8.         TRX Long Stretch Left 9.         35 Swings 10.       TRX Y Pull 11.       15 Swings 12.       Hip Flexor Stretch (RKD) 13.       35 Swings 14.       Goblet Squat 15.       15 Swings 16.       Hip Flexor Stretch (LKD) 17.       35 Swings 18.       Rolling 45 Ts 19.       15 Swings 20.       March in Place Group C  35 Swings Military Press with Barbell  15 Swings TRX Cossack Stretch (Right Leg Squat: RLS)  35 Swings TRX Double Row  15 Swings TRX Cossack Stretch) (Left Leg Squat: LLS)  35 Swings Flying Bird Dog (Right Foot Down: RFD) 15 Swings Six Point Rock 35 Swings Flying Bird Dog (Left Foot Down: LFD) 15 Swings Six Point Neck Nod 35 Swings Double KB Front Squat 15 Swings Deep TRX Squat Hang Group D 1.      35 Swings 2.     Double KB Press 3.      15 Swings 4.     Six Point Zenith Right 5.      35 Swings 6.     Right Hand TRX Single Arm Row 7.      15 Swings 8.     Six Point Zenith Left 9.      35 Swings 10.  Left Hand TRX Single Arm Row 11.  15 Swings 12.  Wrist Vents 13.  35 Swings 14.  Barbell Front Squat 15.  15 Swings 16.  Reverse Wrist Vents 17.  35 Swings 18.  Bulgarian Goat Bag Swing 19.  15 Swings 20.  Basic Foot Vent Group E 1.     35 Swings 2.     TRX Push Up 3.      15 Swings 4.      TRX Right Single Arm Rainbow 5.      35 Swings 6.     TRX Push Up 7.     15 Swings 8.     TRX Left Single Arm Rainbow 9.      35 Swings 10.  RDL with Kettlebell 11.  15 Swings 12.  Six Point Rock 13.  35 Swings 14.  Goblet Squat 15.  15 Swings 16.  Thick Bar Pull Ups 17.  35 Swings 18.  Dead Bugs 19.  15 Swings 20.  Ring Pull Ups Group F 1.     35 Swings 2.     French Press 3.     15 Swings 4.     Curl 5.      35 Swings 6.     TRX Triceps Extension 7.      15 Swings 8.     TRX Biceps Curl 9.      35 Swings 10.  Mini-Band Walk Right 11.  15 Swings 12.  Mini-Band Walk Left 13.  35 Swings 14.  Hip Rip Right 15.  15 Swings 16.  Hip Rip Left 17.  35 Swings 18.  Get Up (Right Hand Loaded) 19.  15 Swings 20.   Get Up (Left Hand Loaded) Related Episodes https://www.chroniclesofstrength.com/ep-312-dan-john-on-building-muscle-with-kettlebells/ Snag a FREE COPY of Dan John’s “Post-Deployment Program” Step 1) Leave a positive (read: 5 star!, if you feel we’re worthy) review on either iTunes here or Stitcher here. Step 2) Email a screenshot of your review to PatFlynn(at)ChroniclesOfStrength(Dot)com with the subject line “podcast review” and we’ll send you the PDF of the program within 7 – 10 days of verification of the review. … The Pat Flynn Show If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you could subscribe to, and leave a review for, The Pat Flynn show on iTunes HERE or Stitcher HERE. Reading your reviews and hearing your feedback is what keeps me fired up to make The Pat Flynn Show happen. Thank you!  

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Want to become better than most people at most things? Then the Pat Flynn Show is for you. Listen in, and learn: - How to Master The Pat Flynn Philosophy of Generalism—or why it’s better to be better at many things, not best at just one. From there, how to combine abilities to create a competitive advantage at anything you could want—a tactic known as “skill stacking.” - Obtain Knowledge Fast, Learn Any Skill Quickly—Discover the 5 Generalist principles for ultra-efficient practice sessions and study habits. - Access Interviews with Generalists the world over—The Pat Flynn show covers everything from fitness and mental health to business and writing to philosophy and theology. - Get the tools you need to become someone who outperforms, outsmarts, and outmaneuvers the pack. - Discover hands-on tools, tips, and tactics to pursue your most fulfilling life. In this podcast, get to know best-selling author, philosopher, fitness coach, musician, entrepreneur, and Catholic convert Pat Flynn as he expounds upon his theory of Generalism, a theory applicable to each and every one of us.