High Rep Kettlebell Front Squats, the Nordic Diet, and Live QnA with Dan John
Join Pat and Dan for their weekly conversation and QnA. They discuss the Nordic Diet, high rep squats, Easy Strength, and other questions sent in by the gentle listener. For101 FREE #kettlebell workouts visit http://www.101kettlebellworkouts.com Show Sponsor: If you want to try out one of Dr. Wolfe’s amino acid formulations — and get 30% off with discount code PF30— check out Perform from The Amino Co at http://www.aminoco.com/pf30 PS - In case you missed the announcement, we're running a BIG Strong ON! Anniversary Sale currently. This is what supports the podcast, so if you're into minimalist high-intensity kettlebell workouts, please check it out! Link right below. https://chroniclesofstrength.com/strongonspecial