Sunday School: 10 More Questions (and Answers) on Catholicism with Eric Robinson
Continuing from last week, Pat and Eric continuing answer common questions (and objections) to the Catholic faith -- everything from Adam to Eve, Marian dogma, praying to saints, and more -- in response too the recent conversation between Cameron Bertuzzi and Matt Fradd. ... The 10 Questions 1. Biblically speaking, where do we find any evidence of the saint assuming the role of praying for us? Isn't that Christ's role as High Priest? 2. Where did Jesus go between his death on the cross and his resurrection? 3. Adam and Eve, real or metaphor? 4. Are Faith and Reason compatible? 5. How do you reconcile Romans 3:23, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," with the Roman Catholic belief that Mary had no sin, not even original sin? 6. If Church Tradition is not good enough evidence, but the Bible is, wouldn't that be a contradiction since the Bible is actually Tradition? 7. Do Catholics put more emphasis on having deceased Popes pray for them rather than the general public? 8. Can you explain "Theotokos"? 9. Why is Mary referred to as the Virgin Mary now? Didn't she have sexual relations with her husband? 10. Is it possible to do the work of Christ without understanding all of this? The Pat Flynn Show If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you could subscribe to, and leave a review for, The Pat Flynn show on iTunes HERE or Stitcher HERE. Reading your reviews and hearing your feedback is what keeps me fired up to make The Pat Flynn Show happen. Thank you!