Sunday School: The Mystery of Evil, Providence, and Human Freedom with Dr. Michael Torre

One of the greatest difficulties in life is the problem of suffering: why do we live in a world with so much nastiness, especially if our world is created by God who is the unrestricted absolute, all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good? Furthermore, there is data in revelation pointing toward the real possibility of eternal separation from God – a definite, self-excluded state known traditionally as Hell. Finally, what is the role between God and sin; especially since we must affirm that God is the ultimate cause of everything else which exists? Does this also make God the cause of our sin, either directly or indirectly? These are serious questions, and they deserve a serious answer. That’s where Dr. Michael Torre comes in. Dr. Michael Torre is a professional philosopher, religious convert from agnosticism, and has specialized on the issue of evil, providence, and human free will. In this episode Dr. Torre defends the general position of Maritain and Marin-Sola is showing how God is certainly not the cause (either directly or indirectly) of sin, against both Molinism and neo-Banezianism. This “3-lane highway” position, argues DR. Torre, is not only faithful to St. Thomas Aquinas, but helps us to maintain both divine innocence and God’s universality causality. Please enjoy! Recommended Resources Do Not Resist the Spirit's Call Maritain's St. Thomas and the Problem of Evil, Existence and the Existent, and God and the Permission of Evil (search around for this one; it isn't on Amazon, unfortunately).  What Is Learn more about Dr. Michael Torre here Related Episodes  The Pat Flynn Show If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you could subscribe to, and leave a review for, The Pat Flynn show on iTunes HERE or Stitcher HERE. Reading your reviews and hearing your feedback is what keeps me fired up to make The Pat Flynn Show happen. Thank you!

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Want to become better than most people at most things? Then the Pat Flynn Show is for you. Listen in, and learn: - How to Master The Pat Flynn Philosophy of Generalism—or why it’s better to be better at many things, not best at just one. From there, how to combine abilities to create a competitive advantage at anything you could want—a tactic known as “skill stacking.” - Obtain Knowledge Fast, Learn Any Skill Quickly—Discover the 5 Generalist principles for ultra-efficient practice sessions and study habits. - Access Interviews with Generalists the world over—The Pat Flynn show covers everything from fitness and mental health to business and writing to philosophy and theology. - Get the tools you need to become someone who outperforms, outsmarts, and outmaneuvers the pack. - Discover hands-on tools, tips, and tactics to pursue your most fulfilling life. In this podcast, get to know best-selling author, philosopher, fitness coach, musician, entrepreneur, and Catholic convert Pat Flynn as he expounds upon his theory of Generalism, a theory applicable to each and every one of us.