Sunday School: There's Something About Mary - with Eric Robinson

Pat is joined by Catholic convert Eric Robinson, and host of Polycarp's Paradigm, to share how his journey to Catholicism was inspired by a Protestant investigation into Catholic claims about Mary.  ... About Eric Robinson Eric Robinson is a Catholic author, speaker and creative entrepreneur on a mission to draw all people into full communion with the Catholic Church and to set Catholics on fire with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through prayer, teaching and works of mercy. To fulfill the teaching component of this mission, he has written a book called Thoughts of a Changed Mind: Letters from Father to Son and started a YouTube channel, website, and podcast called “Polycarp’s Paradigm”. To support his work, fund him on Patreon. Eric was not always a Catholic. In fact, he grew up as an Evangelical Protestant in various denominations, but his hunger for the truth and his desire to be part of the early Church eventually led him into the Catholic Church in 2015. Since that time, Eric has served his parish in a number of ministries including Adult and Youth Faith Formation. Eric is currently working on his Master of Arts in Theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary and is committed to spreading the faith “once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3) to the ends of the earth. ...

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Want to become better than most people at most things? Then the Pat Flynn Show is for you. Listen in, and learn: - How to Master The Pat Flynn Philosophy of Generalism—or why it’s better to be better at many things, not best at just one. From there, how to combine abilities to create a competitive advantage at anything you could want—a tactic known as “skill stacking.” - Obtain Knowledge Fast, Learn Any Skill Quickly—Discover the 5 Generalist principles for ultra-efficient practice sessions and study habits. - Access Interviews with Generalists the world over—The Pat Flynn show covers everything from fitness and mental health to business and writing to philosophy and theology. - Get the tools you need to become someone who outperforms, outsmarts, and outmaneuvers the pack. - Discover hands-on tools, tips, and tactics to pursue your most fulfilling life. In this podcast, get to know best-selling author, philosopher, fitness coach, musician, entrepreneur, and Catholic convert Pat Flynn as he expounds upon his theory of Generalism, a theory applicable to each and every one of us.