Imagine if we ridiculed dogs and cats who don’t have the “ideal look”…. Utmost Heart breaking… imagine if they knew… now your body feels you so…..I must love your body for you, I can’t participate in hate…. it’s how I feel about the cultural body shame at large. I looked up the ifbb wellness division and read about the intentions with that, made sense until I thought how peculiar there’s no orange on two toothpicks version for men’s wellness? Then I caught myself “why standing like a female” and instantly noticed my double standards before I checked myself, rephrased my thoughts about seeing the Brazilian wellness men on stage. Some of my daily gratitude and self love routine, the hate of the body, the crazy anger I felt being admired for my body, and why I’m so excited about teaching you my real fitness life every day on VIP IG and LOVE to you all, superstars! ❤️