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During World War II, the influx of women workers into the workforce solved one problem—the labor shortage—while creating another: Who would watch the kids? To address it, the U.S. government created high-quality, publicly-funded childcare centers for working moms. In this season’s final episode of The Pay Check, we explore the long term effects of this brief government experiment. We ask what it would take, short of a war, to generate a similar groundswell of public support for mothers in the workforce. And we question the assumption that mothers alone are responsible for creating the infrastructure that enables them to work.See for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

The pandemic created a global economic crisis that economists and experts expected would lead to greater wealth inequality than ever before. Host Rebecca Greenfield along with a team of Bloomberg News reporters heads to seven countries around the world to find out what this world changing event has wrought. What they found was surprising.