Human Trafficking (S4 Ep. 37)

Human trafficking, specifically sex trafficking, is a worrisome reality that pediatric providers need to recognize and manage with speed and grace.  With tools to better understand the at risk populations that may present as hidden victims of this terrible human rights violation, we can better protect our vulnerable child and youth populations. References: Greenbaum, J., & Bodrick, N. (2017). Global human trafficking and child victimization. Policy statement. American Academy of Pediatrics, 140, e20173138. National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (Executive Producer). (2021). Child trafficking: Case studies and tools on identifying warning signs [Audio podcast]. TeamPeds Talks. Peck, J.L., Meadows-Oliver, M., Hays, S.M., & Maaks, D.G. (2020). White paper: Recognizing child trafficking as a critical emerging health threat. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 35(3), p. 260-269. DOI: Philips, A. (2021). 8 terms you should know about human trafficking. Retrieved from Shared Hope. (2019). Report trafficking. Retrieved from https:// U.S. Department of Justice. (2020). Child sex trafficking. Retrieved online from

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