A Chat With Jen Shyu

Vocalist, composer, producer, multi-instrumentalist, dancer and Guggenheim Fellow Jen Shyu is the featured guest on this week's episode. Jen discusses her unique career, productions, gigs, grants, inspiration, fighting harassment in the music business and more. This is a good one, don't miss it!

Om Podcasten

The Performer's Pathway is an episodic podcast by Adam Small and Jake Moses (from My Music Masterclass) on building a thriving music career. The main focus of this show is to help musicians get out of the practice room and utilize their skills and talents in the real world. Adam brings 20+ years of music industry experience to the table as a professional bassist, film/TV composer and producer; in addition, he has spent time as a music consultant and lecturer, helping artists find their path. Jake is a professional guitarist and pianist currently residing in Los Angeles and he provides a working musician’s perspective and vital insight to the podcast. Besides our hosts, there will be frequent guest appearances including acclaimed musicians, industry insiders, health professionals and much more. This show is a must-listen for any musician who wants professional fulfillment, better gigs and a flourishing career in the music business.