Eurelectric - Kristian Ruby

The sixth episode of the Persuaders podcast is now out! This time I had the pleasure of talking to Kristian Ruby, secretary general for Eurelectric. Kristian has a background from journalism, he has worked as a speechwriter, as an assistant to former commissioner for climate action, Connie Hedegaard, he has worked as a public affairs advisor and as chief policy officer for windeurope - and is now the secretary general for Eurelectric. Eurelectric represent 3500 companies in the value chain of electricity, and in this episode, Kristian shares his views on: - How to prioritize issues and formulate a common vision of this industry - How to handle competing interests - How he sees Public Affairs as a driver for important societal agendas & change Finally, Kristian shares his perspectives on how they deal with the concept of green-washing, the importance of telling good stories which change behaviour, and how Kristian saw that COVID-19 brought out some climate sceptics - and how they countered and tried to make the pandemic a launch pad for green change. 

Om Podcasten

The Persuaders is a podcast about Public Affairs. In the podcast we will dive in to how Public Affairs professionals solve their daily challenges. Their trials and tribulations. Their tips and tricks. The guests will come from many different types of companies and organizations across the world. The host of the podcast is Anders Kopp Jensen. Anders is the co-founder and CEO of Ulobby. Anders holds an MA in political science and has 10+ years of experience from politics and Public Affairs both on the consultancy side as well as in-house. He is also the author of "The Public Affairs Engine", a guide on how to build and fuel the PA engine in your organization. The guide is based on more than 500 conversations with PA professionals across Europe.