The Cold War Series w/ Thomas777 - 3/3

5 Hours and 35 MinutesPG-13Here are episodes 11 through the Livestream Q&A of the Cold War series with Thomas777.The 'Cold War' Pt. 11 - Nixon, Detente, and Their Inevitable End w/ Thomas777The 'Cold War' Pt. 12 - Able Archer and Operation R.Y.A.N. - w/ Thomas777The 'Cold War' Pt. 13 - The Downing of Korean Air Lines Flight 007- w/ Thomas777The 'Cold War' Pt. 14 - The 'Red Square' Flight of Mathias Rust - w/ Thomas777The 'Cold War' Pt. 15 - The Berlin Wall Comes Down - w/ Thomas777The 'Cold War' Pt. 16 - The Q&A Finale - w/ Thomas777Thomas' SubstackThomas777 MerchandiseThomas' Book "Steelstorm Pt. 1"Thomas' Book "Steelstorm Pt. 2"Thomas on TwitterThomas' CashApp - $7homas777Pete and Thomas777 'At the Movies'Support Pete on His WebsitePete's PatreonPete's SubstackPete's SubscribestarPete's GUMROADPete's VenmoPete's Buy Me a CoffeePete on FacebookPete on TwitterBecome a supporter of this podcast:

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Pete Quiñones has hosted his show, The Pete Quiñones Show (formerly titled Free Man Beyond the Wall), since July 2017 and has concentrated on topics pertaining to liberation from the Progressive influence that has taken over Western governments. His current focus is on historical revisionism and how "local politics and activism" can help mitigate Progressive influence while starting to build what comes next.Become a supporter of this podcast: