The Importance of Being Relatable in Photography with Jessica Sanchez

Audiences relate to photographers they can personally connect with. It's also difficult to envision yourself in a field or industry if you don't feel represented. Expect to learn in this episode with Jessy Sanchez (@ourworldwithjessy) how to get over your self limiting belief when you feel underrepresented in an industry, why being relatable is important to audiences, why vulnerability and honesty is valued by audiences, how we can encourage people of all kinds to participate in photography, ...

Om Podcasten

The Photographer Mindset is a podcast specifically created for photographers, and those who believe their purpose is to create, inspire and develop into their full potential. The photographer mindset podcast was initiated to help creative individuals understand that their success depends on more than just skill and dedication. In this podcast we learn to develop a winning mindset based on attitude and out of the box thinking strategies so that we can grow our clients, brand recognition & confidence. We want to work smarter towards our goals, not harder.