Road to Barry- 8 weeks to go

Dan & Owain are back with another "Road to..." series - this time a very unique race is on the cards for Owain - Barry Track 40 Miles. The history of the race, and ultras in the UK is discussed, before Owain's recent lab test is broken down before Owain's training week is rattled through. The Physiology of Endurance Running podcast is now proudly sponsored by SOAR. SOAR produce high quality running clothing, designed to fit the needs of runners that put in time & effort to the sport. Check them out here - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠ You can submit questions for this series or our Q and A episode here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Om Podcasten

This podcast is all about getting sport science research out into the public domain. We cover what we do and don't know regarding all topics related to endurance running performance and, more importantly, how can we use this information to make ourselves healthier and faster runners! Your hosts are Dr Dan Osborn-Nash, 2:12 marathon runner and sport physiologist for Welsh Athletics and Welsh Triathlon, and Owain Zerilli, MSc student exploring the effects of heat on EPO release and 2:38 marathon runner