Living with ME and not losing yourself to chronic illness, with Lisa Stewart

In this episode I talk to Lisa Stewart about her experience of living with ME, also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. There is no known cause, diagnosis, or cure for ME, and it is an incredibly poorly understood illness. As a result, a lot of people who suffer from ME don’t get the support they need to navigate an experience that Lisa describes as a ‘half life’. As always, there are no easy answers. This is very much an episode on being the middle of what is, what it looks like to figure things out in your own way, in your own time.

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This is a podcast about what it looks like to be in the middle of figuring it out. Brought to you by Kathryn Ho, coach for creatives, these are conversations for anyone who has fears and dreams, and is curious about how we create a life where we feel we truly belong. Join me and my guests as we explore their experiences of navigating change, uncertainty, doubt, and possibility – and the messy feelings we encounter along the way.