Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Hiring a Podcast Editor

Have you ever thought about hiring a podcast editor for your podcast?  Or have you ever wondered what a podcast editor does and why it seems to cost so much? (Come on, I know you’ve thought “why do they charge so much?”) Well, on this episode of The Podcasting Party I’ve gathered two other podcast editors and we’re sharing with you exactly what we wish podcasters knew about:  Hiring a podcast editor Working with an editor What goes into editing a podcast episode from start to finish We’re hoping this inside look at what we do will ultimately help you, the podcaster, decide if editing is a right fit for you and what you can expect. We also hope it answers the questions about why we charge, “so darn much”.  A huge thank you to my guests today Erica Thorne & Julie Deem. To connect with Erica & Julie and get all the links from today's episode head over to the full show notes here:  https://alanadawson.com/2020/07/26/everything-you-e…a-podcast-editor/ MONETIZATION MINI-TRAINING Wanting to monetize your podcast but aren't sure where to start, what to charge, and how to go about finding sponsors? Look no further than this mini-training where I will show you: cover what monetization strategy is right for your show how to know what to charge for ads/sponsorship what is a media kit: why you need one & exactly what to include in it To find out more about the mini-training head here: https://alanadawson.com/monetization-mini-training  

Om Podcasten

Are you wanting to start a podcast but are overwhelmed by the amount of information about podcasting? Are you confused by all the technical language, and technology? Are you frustrated by how expensive equipment and the costs associated with podcasting can be? Or do you have a podcast? Are you stressed out trying to create content, record, edit, and upload your episodes each week? Are you frustrated by the lack of growth you see even with all your hard work and dedication? Are you burnt out and ready to quit? Then you’re in the right place. The Podcasting Party is a podcast for podcasters about podcasting. As a podcast coach, I have seen a huge theme emerge with the women I coach: potential podcasters believe in the message they want to share through their podcast but they lack the confidence in themselves when it comes to learning the technology and starting their podcast. They spend months trying to figure it out, google their way through, and by the time they make it to me, they are stressed out, overwhelmed, and frustrated. Beginner podcasters come to me burnt out and ready to throw in the towel. The message they once believed in is now dwarfed by the overwhelm and frustration they feel having to produce a show each week. I’m on a mission to help potential and current podcasters take the stress, overwhelm, and frustration out of podcasting. I believe that podcasting one big party, and you’re invited. Come join me and let’s put the party back into podcasting!