sam sax & the 2018 SLAMbassadors masterclass in conversation with Joelle Taylor

sam sax, American poet and queer Jewish icon, chats to Joelle Taylor about starting out performing in loud bars, reads his poem 'Haematology', and shares a brand new poem about the devastating California wildfires. Plus, the tough poetry questions are put to sam sax from some of the 2018 participants of SLAMbassadors, The Poetry Society's youth SLAM poetry showcase. We'll also hear poems from SLAMbassadors Noah Jacob and Beth-Ellen Hollis. This podcast was recorded in partnership with Out-Spoken.

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The Poetry Society was founded in 1909 to promote "a more general recognition and appreciation of poetry". Since then, it has grown into one of Britain's most dynamic arts organisations, representing British poetry both nationally and internationally. Today it has more than 4000 members worldwide and publishes the leading poetry magazine, The Poetry Review. With innovative education and commissioning programmes and a packed calendar of performances, readings and competitions, the Poetry Society champions poetry for all ages. "The Poetry Society is the heart and hands of poetry in the UK – a centre which pours out energy to all parts of the poetry-body, and a dexterous set of operations which arrange and organise poetry's various manifestations. It has a long distinguished history, and has never been so vital, or so vitalizing as it is now." Sir Andrew Motion