Episode 84 - KUBECON 2021 PRE SHOW DAY 2 with the Cloud Native Computing Foundations' Katie Gamanji

Welcome to our second annual POPCAST Kubecon 2021 NA Pre Show! Day 2 with someone who is relentless with the CNCF ecosystem and providing programs for the End User ecosystem to thrive in open source. My conversation with Katie Gamanji on her journey and all the great things she does is....NOW! Don't forget to register for Cloud Native Computing Foundations' Kubecon North America October 11th-15th here: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-north-america/

Om Podcasten

The POPcast with Dan POP! Join host Dan “Pop” Papandrea as he has conversations with the fascinating people that are driving technology and thought leadership. We cover their personal stories and their journeys including their wins and losses to deep dive into what it is like to lead through technology and new ways of thinking. The POPCAST is one of the world's first open source podcast where some guests and questions are driven through community contributors. Disclaimer: Purely for entertainment/informational purposes.