E07 - What goals are you working towards? - The PPC Mastery Podcast

Miles answers a question from Bernt Muurling: “What do you want to achieve? What goal are you working towards?”Got a question? Submit here and we might answer it in a future episode: https://www.ppcmastery.com/podcast

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Welcome to The PPC Mastery Podcast! Every week, we'll share actionable tips, strategies, tactics, and stories to inspire you to make more out of your Google Ads campaigns.Presented by Bob Meijer & Miles McNair — founders of PPC Mastery. Our mission is to unite and provide insane value to the PPC community and help ambitious companies and marketers make the most out of Google Ads.Whenever you're ready, here's how we can help you:Join our free Discord community here: https://www.ppcmastery.com/community Subscribe to The PPC Edge Newsletter (and get one actionable Google Ads tip in your mailbox every Monday): https://www.ppcmastery.com/blog