Breaking into the poetry market

Joshua Effiong is a writer and digital artist from the Örö people of Nigeria. Autopsy of Things Left Unnamed, his poetry chapbook, was published in 2020.  As a guest in today's show, Joshua shares his publishing journey and tips on how to come up with the best new poems out there.  Here you can read the poem discussed in this episode, Explaining The Autopsy of Survival to A Class of Black Bodies.

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Writing as an art, writing as a business, and the secret life of writerpreneurs. The show is a mix of narrative and conversational episodes, where stories are told from the point of view and lived experiences of both host and guests, who are writers and entrepreneurs. Hosted by Priscille B. Fatuma a.k.a Tara Emmanuel. A production of Priscille’s Pens & Scribbles. © Copyright 2021 - 2023. Priscille B. Fatuma (Priscille's Pens & Scribbles). All rights reserved.