Episode 7: How losers win and what the MCU teaches us about winning in life

Sports, television, and this three-part essaysode might be the only things coming between you and an erroneous belief that to be a winner, you have to be the best at everything.  Read Tara's first poem "I Would Like to Be A Child Again" in Paper Trail Literary Journal's First Issue.

Om Podcasten

Writing as an art, writing as a business, and the secret life of writerpreneurs. The show is a mix of narrative and conversational episodes, where stories are told from the point of view and lived experiences of both host and guests, who are writers and entrepreneurs. Hosted by Priscille B. Fatuma a.k.a Tara Emmanuel. A production of Priscille’s Pens & Scribbles. © Copyright 2021 - 2023. Priscille B. Fatuma (Priscille's Pens & Scribbles). All rights reserved.